Telenor Social Offers
Telenor Provide The Best Whatsapp, Snapchat, IMO, Youtube, and Facebook Social Offers To its Consumers Below Are Details Of Telenor Social Internet offers.
Telenor Monthly Social offer Rs.150 . (8GB FB,WA + 25 Offnet + 250 Onnet)
Telenor Monthly FB plus Whatsapp Package Rs.100 . ( 6GB FB, WA, sms1000)
Telenor Monthly Social Pack Rs.59 Rs.59 . (2.5GB FB,WA)
Telenor Tiktok Monthly Package Rs.69 (4GB B TikTok, Likee & SnackVideo)
Telenor Weekly Youtube, tiktok, likee,SV Offer Rs.110 (5GB youtube, tiktok,SV,Likee)
Telenor Self Activation Social Offers That are not available in Retailer Menue
Monthly IMO Package Rs.50 ( self-activation) *466# (1500 MB IMO)
Monthly WhatsApp Package Rs. 5 (Self Activation *247# ) (2000MB WA)
Weekly Zoom Package (self Activation *345*56#) Rs.80 ( 3000MB)
Telenor Monthly IMO Package RS.60 (1500MB IMO)
Free Snapchat Package monthly Free self activation *915# ( Internet 2000 MB Snapchat)
Weekly Video Package self-activation RS.86 (5000 MB for Youtube, TikTok, Likee, and SnackVideo)
These Are All Telenor Social Data Offers Which Can Be Activated From All Pakistan EasyLoad Retailer By *964# Menu and Consumer can also be activated by themself.
1. Telenor Monthly Social Offer 150 (Telenor monthly Facebook package )
Internet Data 8 GB Facebook & WA Free Minutes 25 Offnet, 250 Onnet Telenor monthly FB , WA package code only from retailers Unsubscription method Auto Unsubscribe after 30 Days Retailer USSD *964# 3-3-1 Price RS.150 Status Check for data *999# for sms *222#
Telenor offers the best social offer which provides 8 GB data for Facebook and what’s app plus 1000 sms only for 120, telenar mantle facebook pkg
Internet Data 6 GB Facebook & WA +1000 sms Validity 30 Days telenor monthly FB ,WA, SMS package code *660# Unsubscription method Auto Unsubscribe after 30 Days Retailer USSD *964# 3-3-1 Price RS.100 Status Check for data *999# for sms *222#
Telenor offers the best social offer which provides 5 GB data for Facebook and what’s app plus 10000 sms only for 85
3. Telenor Monthly Social Pack Rs.59
Internet Data Facebook & WhatsApp 2.5MB Validity 30 Days telenor monthly whatsapp package code *911# Unsubscription method Auto Unsubscribe after 30 Days Retailer USSD *964# 3-3-2 Price RS.59 Status Check *999#
This is Telenor Whatsapp monthly Package for Whole Month In Just 50
4.Telenor TikTok, Likee & Snack video package 69
Internet Data 4GB TikTok, Likee & SnackVideo Validity 30 Days Telenor TikTok, Likee & SnackVideo *121# Telenor monthly IMO unsub code Auto Unsubscribe after 30 Days Retailer USSD self-activation Price RS.59 Status Check *999#
Telenor IMO package for just 57 for whole month
5. Telenor weekly Youtube Offer RS.110
Internet Data 5Gb Youtube,TikTok, like, sv Validity 7 Days telenor monthly IMO package code from retailer Unsubscription method Auto Unsubscribe after 30 Days Retailer USSD *964#-3-3- Price RS.120 Status Check *999#
Telenor IMO Offer 50
Internet Data 1500 MB IMO Validity 30 Days telenor monthly IMO package code *466# Unsubscription method Auto Unsubscribe after 30 Days Retailer USSD self activation *466# Price RS.50 Status Check *999#
Telenor LIkee plus Tiktok Offer with Snapchat in just RS. 46 for the whole month.
Weekly Video Package RS.86
Internet Data 5000 MB for Youtube, TikTok, Likee and SnackVideo Validity 7 Days Telenor Youtube package code Dial *220# Telenor Youtube package code Unsub code Auto Unsubscribe after 7 Days Retailer USSD *964# 3-3-5 Price RS.86 Status Check *999#
Telenor Easy Card
Telenor Internet
All Telenor Packages